Movitra SPECTACLES steht im heutigen Mittelpunkt meiner Im Blick Beitragsserie. Im Blick wurde ins Leben gerufen, um Brillenlabels, welche ich auf der Opti München, der internationalen Messe für Optik und Design, kennengelernt habe eine Plattform zu bieten, ein wenig bekannter zu werden. Die Serie beschäftigt sich in Kurzform mit angesagten, teils unbekannten, aber auch bekannten Brillenlabels, welche mich vor allem mit ihrem Style und Stil von sich überzeugt haben.
Anhand von vier Fragen, welche ich allen Brillenlabels gestellt habe, haben diese die Möglichkeit sich dir und den anderen Lesern zu präsentieren. Neben einer kurzen Vorstellung des eigenen Unternehmens gehen diese zudem auf deren Design- und Fertigung der eigenen Brillen ein. Verlieren ein paar Worte über die eigenen Inspirationsquellen und geben einen Ausblick auf angesagte Brillen Trends in 2017. Definitiv spannend, ein solch kurzer Einblick hinter die Kulissen. Versprochen.
Please provide a brief description of your company. With links to your website and social profiles.
We are born to move, explore, change things , experiment and go over our limits. Movitra SPECTACLES are born to keep pace with you, to follow your lifestyle.This is the reason why we invented and patented spectacles frames that are able to protect the lenses from potential shocks and scratches to which lenses are exposed daily. Spectacles that can really become part of your life without the need to give up the beauty and the design of an essential accessory.
Spectacles to live and that let you live without worrying about them. The greatest inventions arise when you have the courage to think outside the box creating practical ideas that can simplify our life. This is how MOVITRA patent protections were born: spectacles frames able to rotate allowing to protect the lenses thanks to the overlapping of the temples on both sides/ to do a 180° rotation so that the lenses are protected by the overlapping of the temples on both sides.
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What do you value when you design and manufacture your own eyeglass frames?
Inspiration, instinct, research and development. It all comes from inspiration, from something that tells you what direction to go in. Then instinct tells you what to look for and what to discard. From there you begin to build, making full use of what you have learnt up until that point, taking note of the problems, the strengthens that can be leveraged, always remembering your target and the market.
What inspires you for the design of your eyeglass frames?
Innovation. Quality. Italian spirit. For the first collection we took three great classic shapes and adapted them to our style and our mechanism. We wanted a collection that had character, so we decided to make our glasses thicker, with strong shapes and without too many decorations and details. We wanted to highlight the innovation provided by the internal mechanism.
With the second collection, we wanted to show how our mechanism is adaptable to any shape, which some people had doubted. Here we were a bit more daring with the shapes.
What are the trends for eyeglasses frames in 2017, in your opinion?